艾薇兒(Avril Lavigne)除了音樂事業之外,這幾年她也開始嘗試往戲劇和時尚界發展,最近她又將觸角伸入了另一個領域-漫畫界。艾薇兒剛和Del Rey漫畫出版社簽訂合約,她將被繪製為漫畫中的人物,在該出版社即將推出的東洋味道頗重的漫畫「Make 5 Wishes」二部曲中出現,拯救一名倍感孤寂的少女。「Make 5 Wishes」的故事內容描述一位名叫Hana的少女,由於她非常不適應學校生活,在學校也沒什麼朋友,再加上和父母之間關係不睦,使得這名少女每天都只得躲在臥室裡,藉由網路世界來逃避現實。Hana透過網路,為自己創造出很多既酷又聰明、既性感又受歡迎的虛擬分身,並且幻想著能和自己的偶像艾薇兒一起共度美好時光。有一天晚上,Hana不小心逛到一個叫做Make5Wishes.com的網站,但她卻發現進入網站後她就出不來了,在她不知情的情況下,她在該網站訂購了一個保證可以讓她美夢成真的包裹。包裹的內容到底有些什麼,出版社目前不願意完整透露,不過他們告訴MTV記者說,其中會有惡魔出現,另外,艾薇兒也會出現,艾薇兒將幫助Hana找到勇氣征服她自己心裡的惡魔。「Make 5 Wishes」的第一部將於4月10號在美國問世,艾薇兒的新專輯則將在隔週發行,而「Make 5 Wishes」的第二部目前預定將在六月出版。



Avril Teams Up With Del Ray Manga

Check out Del Ray Manga's new Japanese-style comic-book series "Make 5 Wishes" featuring Avril! www.Make5Wishes.com

In volume one of Make 5 Wishes, introverted teenager Hana stumbles upon a website that will change her life forever. After a demon grants her a series of wishes that go bad, Hana meets her hero Avril Lavigne, who helps her find the courage to conquer her own personal demons once and for all.

More than simply lending her talents to the creative process, Avril also appears as a character in the manga. When asked what inspired her to be a part of this project, Avril Lavigne had this to say, "I know that many of my fans read manga, and I'm really excited to be involved in creating stories that I know they will enjoy."

以上刊載於Avril的MySpace  6:10 PM Tuesday, January 30, 2007


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